Taara Newsroom.

Read the latest from Taara—case studies, articles, and announcements on how we're working to connect the world with light.

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Introducing the Light Generation

Taara is spinning out of X to become an independent company

Customer Stories

The Moonshot Podcast: Essential Connections

Dive into X’s decade-long mission to bring connectivity to people everywhere, from Loon to Taara


Taara hopes to usher in a new era of internet

WIRED's Steven Levy covers Taara's new chip to deliver internet with light


Introducing the Taara chip

Taara's next leap in light-based innovation

Customer Stories

Vodafone fixes for a flying MWC25

Vodafone tests drones equipped with Taara Lightbridge for disaster recovery

Customer Stories

Taara in Africa

Taara harnesses the power of local entrepreneurs and community networks

Customer Stories

Airtel taps into Taara's free-space optical communications

GSMA reports how Airtel is deploying Taara to expand coverage and boost capacity in India


Taara wins Fast Company’s Next Big Things in Tech award

For speeding data on beams of light to connect areas long underserved


Taara is named TIME’s Best Invention of 2024

"Think of it like fiber, but without having to run any fiber - it's just over the air."


Next Billion | The Future with Hannah Fry

Bloomberg Originals reports on how the next billion users of the internet will transform the web

Customer Stories

Taara and T-Mobile bring 5G connectivity to festivals

Taara and T-Mobile enable reliable 5G connectivity for hundreds of thousands of festival attendees


Taara is awarded Most Innovative Award by the Fiber Broadband Association

Taara helps bridge middle mile gaps in the U.S.